Log of January (2021) - Future writing, computer crapping.

Hello again,

Welcome to the first devlog of 2021!

Our coder's (@RocketBoyweee ) computer crapped out and died, but it has now been reborn as a beautiful phoenix! Only minor progress was lost, luckily.

Today we bring you some standard gamedev news. Nothing groundbreaking, just a good chunk of work. Check it out!


January Development

  1. Future dialogue writing: Coder's been hard at work on writing the first draft of the dialogue in later parts (both red level and beyond...)
  2. Your puzzle now saves!: Isn't that neat? We'll update the build soon.
  3. A very cool idea.: It's a surprise. Still in its early stages.
  4. More Caves!: A good chunk of the red level will be built out different smaller background sprites. The level is going to be bigger that way, AND we'll save on texture space!

    Here's one of the more elaborate sprites:

    Hmmm. Looks like the red level is getting a bit blue?

  5. A concept illustration: I've been hard at work on multiple projects at the same time. Kind of not a great idea, but I'm getting through it bit by bit. A clever way for me to kill two birds with one stone was to make this illustration:

    For this complex illustration, I started out digital. This allows me to change the composition and polish things without sacrificing too much of my sanity.
    The final stages will involve transferring it over to paper (To keep up with the artstyle of the game).


That's it for January 2021. We'll see you in a month!

Get Faded Solitude

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